
Jodie Purnell, Registered Psychologist

Who is Jodie as a therapist?

Jodie is an active listener and a compassionate ally for her clients. She provides an environment where people feel empowered to be themselves and share their stories. She believes that a safe and genuine therapeutic relationship is imperative for counselling to be effective and reparative. Jodie shows empathy and acceptance as she encourages clients to live authentically and according to their chosen values.

Jodie is a Registered Psychologist (#6613), recognized by the College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP). She holds a Master of Counselling degree from City University of Seattle and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta.

Who is Jodie as a human?

Jodie is a lifelong Albertan who is family and community focused. She is a mother, musician, outdoor enthusiast, reader, and she adores her poodle, Ruby. Jodie’s happy place is taking road trips with her family. If you ever happen to pass her on the highway, you can expect to see Jodie singing along to her tunes!

Why “Sonata”?

A sonata is a type of musical composition that consists of two to four “movements” (or sections). Each movement has a related tone, key, or theme, but with a unique musical character. As the sonata progresses, themes are introduced with varying tempo and dynamics. Like the sonata form, the process of therapy involves central themes, emotions, and relational dynamics. Counselling conversations and experiences can create “movements” of their own as clients experience personal growth and the evolution of themes. New perspectives and cycles emerge while authenticity and individuality are retained.